The AjA Project’s PhotoCity class at Crawford High School has spent the last couple of weeks using abstract photography to showcase the negative and positive aspects of socializing in City Heights. Fernanda, 16, captured two images that she felt represented the positive and negative sides to social life in her neighborhood.

“I took this image because for me it looks so sad and alone.”
Fernanda was reminded of the Holocaust when she captured this image “because it looks dirty and hopeless.” It represents the racism she encounters in City Heights. Unfortunately, the incredible diversity in City Heights can be obscured by violence and can make socializing between groups difficult, Fernanda said.
“Racism can occur for the littlest things. There’s a big problem with racism because of their color or sometimes for no reason at all. Racism can happen everywhere at any time.”
Fernanda still sees chances for kids to succeed in City Heights despite the obstacles they may encounter.
“This image is telling me that everyone can be successful in their own way because every flower in that tree is a person and they all bloom. If you work hard, you can get scholarships for college. Also, there’s after school programs so they can help if you’re struggling. Everyone has a chance to succeed if they want to.”