Each and every individual is made up of so many different factors, it is nearly impossible to try and name them all. All of these experiences, upbringings, memories, etc. make us unique, and who we are. It is not just the mental, spiritual, and emotional qualities, or the inner features that make us who we are, but the people in our lives, our communities and environments that have an immeasurable influence on our lives and trajectories. I chose to focus on these key determinants when it comes to what shapes a person and their identity. These include, but are not limited to; the people in our lives, the values we uphold, the clubs/organizations we participate in, the environments we are impacted by, and the cultures we represent. I chose to focus on these factors because I have a close connection to each one of them.

photo by Dylan Anderson
People are an immeasurable factor in my life. I think it is vital for a person to have people in their lives they can lean on in tough times, people who care for and love them and vice versa. The people I consider my friends and family can only be described as my most prized possessions. My family members are the most important people in my world. They have been there my entire life, they have consistently supported, encouraged and challenged me. They have always been in my life as my main support system. I know I can depend on them and count on them with my life. My friends have provided me with so much laughter, love and joy to last 100 lifetimes. They comfort, inspire and fortify me. I cannot even begin to fathom where my life would be without them. They are more than my friends, they are my second family. I have so many people in my life who I consider family because of how strong our relationships are. Families come in many different shapes and forms, and I know I have been blessed with a variety of “family” members.

photo by Yareri Galindo
I feel a sense of community can give people a sense of home. A sense of safety, security, acceptance and love. I have so many people in my life who inspire me everyday, who push and encourage me to be the best version of myself, and who have had a huge impact on who and where I am today. I am so grateful for the life I live, the people in it, and their influence on me as a person.
I am a firm believer of people having and living by a set of personal values, morals, ethics and principles. This set of qualities, for lack of a better word, can say a lot about a person; about who they are, and what their character may be. Community is a huge passion of mine. I believe communities are essential to living an amazing life. To have the encouragement, support and love of others can serve as a great motivation to be an amazing person.

photo by Dylan Anderson
Environments shape people in so many different ways. An environment in which a person was born can greatly influence their character, trajectory and life. A person is made up by so many different factors; physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and so much more. A sense of identity truly defines a person.